Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wyrm Rune

In the quiet of the night,
when day birds are asleep
Before the nightingale arise,
His eyes begun to gleam.

The knight whom, not a day before,
Had slain the dragon fierce,
took his tail, and head and mail
and sold them in the fairs,

Now in the still oppressive night
He stares into the mirror,
And catches a familiar light
glimmer, fade then glimmer!

What he sees behind his eyes
Is fire he had outed,
What he feels within his bones
Are scales and armor sprouted

Red and hot, and cold as hate
His breathing labored, heavy
He looks behind his weary eyes
And sees his grinning enemy.

Had victory fallen into Hell?
His noble deed bewitched?
What now should the valiant knight
Do to vanquish this?

The curse of dragons blood within
this knight of evil fate.
The boiling of the cauldron sin
Fortifies the scales.

What hope can enter in
When heroes are amiss?
What banner flies above the man who charges the Abyss?

From the castle Parapet his mind is quickly made.
He will not live to see the beast make his land a grave!
Could Christ forgive a knight who so many vows had broken?
Would a suicide like Samson yet enter into Heaven?

Hotter still his skin aflame, his sword aglow enchanted.
 The mirror shows the Wyrm Rune Curse is quickly passed all halting.

He takes Communion bread and wine and rushes to the window.
He pours wine on his flaming scales
And eats the rough loaf whole

His tears aflame, he casts himself
Out the broken window
Beyond all hope resigns himself
To ever wander limbo

The land below is scorched
And charred.

his fathers sword falls from its scabbard.

The clear crisp sky extends its arms

The Knight Descends at break of Dawn.

Suddenly the trump is sound!
The earth beneath is giving ground!
And all around the Voice is found
"Halt there Knight and turn around!"

A light begins to shine.
 A woman now appears.
Her hair is free as wine
His scales contract in fear.

"Quiet Knight and turn around!"
The Voice had once commanded
his fall to death ceased at the sound.
The Knight, to Christ ascended!

Now dear reader listen well!
The curse at last was stymied
Tho the Knight for sin had fell
The Grace of Christ enlightened

Heaven knows the frame of man
None is ever sinless
Yet we have a faithful Friend
And righteousness in Jesus.

By: Stephan Joseph

For Jim. 

Friday, September 20, 2013


He played among the ancient ruins 
Settled near the melting sea
Loved a woman that he'd chosen 
Drenched his brush in Eternity 
The octopus was thrown on canvas 
The emancipator digitized 
Dali moved time when he painted 
And framed the ether for our eyes 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Relationships- Game, Standards and the Inverse Square Law of attraction theory.

WARNING: Sarcasm ahead...

Well there's Game and there's Standards. 

Standards is what you want in a relationship be that financially, physically, spiritually etc. 
Game is what you offer. Most people focus on their standards, which they continually raise while ignoring their game.  Now ideally what we all want is someone with a lot more game than we have but with standards just low enough to let us in. 

Now of course there are the two extremes. If someone for example had all game and no standards they're either a liberal college girl or a hooker. If they have all standards and no game they're a prude, an ice queen, or a republican male on a college campus. But in between these two bookends of failure most people find themselves closer to the following:

If you date a lot of people but can never find the right one, because all the people you date turn out to be scumbags well then, your game is fine, you need to raise your standards. 

If you haven't dated anyone in forever and cant seem to get a desperate person to look at you then your game, you have none. Work on that. Dont blame other people, you're being selfish by requiring others to offer more to you than you are to them. Probably go for girls/guys out of your league as if you deserve it. The sooner you realize you dont deserve anyone but you have to earn the right to be loved and accepted, the better. God loves you just the way you are, everyone else deserves you to at least make an know, read a book, learn to be funny and interesting in conversation, go work out etc. 

Now there is something working against anyone with high standards low game that I call the inverse square law of attraction. 

Stephans inverse square law of attraction theory:

Take the amount you are attracted to someone, invert that emotion so that its now revulsion, square that amount and thats how much the person you like dislikes you. Reverse for people to whom you aren't attracted. Neutral remains neutral. 
So in short, if you like someone become as ambivalent towards them as quickly as humanly possibly (disliking them is the goal but that's difficult) and it will increase the odds they like you. If you dislike someone call them, txt them and do as many nice things for them as you can until you un-nerve them and make them hate you. 
People despise what they dont have to work for. So, be a jerk. You'll violate everything that's good and decent about yourself....but you wont be single!

But really it isn't about being a jerk, it's about being occupied, appearing busy and desirable. Pretend to be more rare and scarce than you are and suddenly people will like you. Now you're going to have to actually get and be busy, like take up school, or really get into the gym or super involved at the Church etc. The mere act of being committed and devoted to something is attractive. So go all in. You'll begin to notice the effects of the inverse square law diminish greatly.  The less time you have for a relationship the more ready you are for one. Seems counter intuitive, but it's the way the world works, you going to resent it or embrace it?

So get busy. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I like to sit outside near where the breeze hits the river
hidden beneath a cacophony of trees
but not so far from the busy streets
that I cant hear the rushing of wheels,
the screaming of sirens and
the crowded orchestra of humanity.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Free Will

Jesus prayed the Fathers cup would pass
but alas the answer came again and again
"drink the dregs, and pay the price of Wrath."
It pleased the Lord to bruise Him for
it brought many sons to Glory.

What about me then Lord?
Should I turn away a bitter cup?
Would I have water when wine
is fitting to the times? Would I be numb
when pain is the road that leads to peace? 
No! I would rather have the bitterness
of God than the sweetness of sin
for the "foolishness of God is wiser than men."


I believe in love like I believe in Mars.
It' distant but real.
Mars, that god of war, is Cold, cyclical
and, the Scientists tell me, is always being pulled into
the Great Central Fire by Gravitation.
But from here on Earth that distant red point
is as terrifying in it's sterile beauty
as a woman without laughter.

-Stephan Joseph

Kinetic Action

Now the shockwaves burst our chests
and hearts are all a tremble with the sound of war.
Orange agents curl like heavy smoke around
the beds of sleeping children.
Graves silent as raging waterfalls behind glass walls
Is this moderation? Is this the promise of technology: a future
where rockets never miss their painted targets?
A sky roasting from within, hemorrhaging tracer bullets
into the spangled night?
Tell me now about the humanity of man to man
when  all around us bodies line the streets
and soul after soul is winnowed beneath
the caravans of kinetic action.

-Stephan Joseph

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Call of David

Slender youth but strong,
Red hair swaying with his shepherds
songs. Red curls dancing to his
newest Psalm.

Sandals worn but strong
Leading sheep from Jesses care
Jesses thoughts are far from him.

Winter and summer long,
staff in hand and lyre near,
teaching sheep how not to fear
Showing sheep dead lions beard;
the smell of myrrh was hanging near.

For, Samuel had come,
Calling all the brothers near
finding not the promise there:

David then was called
Leaving the bears carcass there,
Like a lamb he drew near

The Oil on him was poured,
Old Prophets eyes were shining clear
Saying “men are not as they appear”.

Pt.2- Temptation

The devil lays a softer ground under weary feet
A gently sloping path that leads nimbly to defeat
What arrows fly by day and night against our resolutions! 
We grow weary in the tired night looking for solutions.
Heaven sets the strength of men to work in vain affliction,
alone the hurting hands did die that purchased our redemption. 
Single died the carpenter on a callous cross
Abandoned by His God, stricken and abused
Familiar with the wrenching cry of “Father where are You?”
I know that if I die with Him, I shall be raised again
I cling to words un-perishing, promises undimmed.
When my flesh assails me, and the world pretend my friend
When the devil ails me: I see the Heaven Sent!
Alone in dry places, thirsty and enhungered
Pressed into the reddish sand, the yellow sun aflame
He refused the Kingdoms, He refused the bread
He refused the Glory, and chose me instead! 

Pt 1- The Rub

If I'm too tired to spin the wheel the wheel will go unspun;
friends come near and eat their fill,
yet hungers move them on.
 What Gethsemanes we all must face, 
we all must face alone: 
No hand to hold
No hug to have 
No heart to beat in sync, 
The cup we drink the Cross we bear, 
squeeze tears into ink:
and on the dry scrolls of our lives
trials sketch a tin-type
and we like monks pour over them,
 yearning for some insight.
Alas we find the Rosetta
Is Eternal Perspective
and so our lives
Remain exposed
 yet no clearer or uncertain.
To walk by faith is a lonely road,
narrow and constrained
He who tells you otherwise
 Is busy selling something...