Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Godzilla- a prayer

 "...God is love..."1 John 4:8
"for our God is a consuming fire."  Hebrews 12:29

Oh Love be my Godzilla!
Trample through the Tokyo of my heart,
tear down the buildings of my arrogance,
terrify the citizenry of my complacency.

Oh Love be my Godzilla!
Irradiate the helicopters and tanks
 of my rebellion against you.
Shake my empty streets of ingratitude,
humiliate the Science of my self reliance.

Oh Love be my Godzilla
And ruin all that's stopping You from Ruling me.

Weather Report

I'm sitting outside tonight,
It's perfectly calm,
No wind.

Just noise:
The rushing of cars
The croak and chirp
of a hundred  hidden creatures.

No wind.
Clouds spread thin;
Damp air, no stars.
a few streetlights
pierce the lazy dark.

No wind
the trees arent lonely
and neither am I.
their fragile leaves
hold no memory of winds
It's never been so still;
No wind!

I've never laid, beneath
A dark and hidden moon
and enjoyed
the trees this way before;
never been so
Mesmerized by their quiet,
daunting, nothing.

never heard within them
the trumpet sound of a thousand
calling voices,
No wind to silence them.


My heart hides behind your open door;
I peek around the corner
and glimpse your silver hair.
I tremblingly breathe before
The glimmer of your presence there.

I feel your eyes peeking around
the corners of my mind.
So I hide among my Labyrinthine fears;
with swift feet and steel resolve
you chase me down the corridors
of  remembered horrors.
What pierced hands and warm
resolve, You die to hold me close…

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Truth, let your lions breath
Hunt down every lie within me
Let fang and claw dismember
The bunnies of my mind.

Keep away fear, that sick hyena!
His constant ripping laughter,
Snapping at my heels, clawing at
My back, racing to end my run.

I would belong to the pride of the
humble, the honest, the unafraid,
Roar over me Lion of Judah,
and whisper within me, the
Blessing that can't be cursed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ft. Desoto Sunset

"He gives his beloved sleep"- Psalm 127:2

Sink beneath the sea giant ruby!
Let the eyelids of the earth close.
The clouds stand like bushy eyebrows
over the sand, itself, a wet and runny nose.
The rushes blow within the wind like whiskers
and breath expels itself

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sweet Tea

The brusque middle aged connoisseur,
declared the baristas sweet-tea to be weak...
"Blacker! Stronger! Made with less water!
In all my years I've never! I've never..."

Offering to remake it with a special kindness
that, from across the room, over sweetened my tea,
she reprogrammed the roaring drink machine
to please him. 
to make him leave.  


My cookie looks like the moon,
Mt. Olympus chocolate chunks,
Macadamias resting like the 
Sea of Tranquility. 
I wonder how many calories...


Mr. Orange tee-shirt slouches next to Mr. Orange power-tie.
Mr. Shades rubs his nose when Ms. tank-top saunters by.
Ms. Workpants jingles her many keys
and runs the coffee machines.
Ms. Purple-top yawns lazily,
looks at me, and wonders, what
Mr. Glasses is furiously scribbling
on his single napkin.

Neutral Ground

I stepped into the Cafe
to hear the light soul-music
Sunday afternoon; all the
cathedrals quiet, no bars occupied.

Saturday night now buried,
Resurrection morning headache now past
the afternoon stealthily approaches

The drunk slouches in the door,
the Priest awaits him,
both tired from their morning rituals
they greet each other warmly
and share a cup of coffee.